
While I have good intentions of writing blog posts, I just don’t seem to get to them often, if at all… if you would like to keep tabs on what I am up to, I am much more active on My Twitter account! Find LadyK on...

Calling all Patrons

This Summer was abundant with rich smiles, laughter, tears, personal & spiritual growth, lewdness, song & dance, kinship, and was all around the best summer ever! I attended two spiritual retreats, performed at a festival, and went on My yearly vacation. I...

Traveling Domme

I get asked all the time if I will travel to someone. The answer is both simple and yet not. If I had a rapport with someone, and I had the time, I would travel to see them. I would also make exception for someone who is unable to come visit Me do to health related...


…to a glimpse into My world. I have read many wonderful blogs over the years by many talented people, many of them friends, and have thought to myself how enlightened and brave they are to put their thoughts and feelings out there for all to see.  We all...